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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 8 - Granada Hills, CA


Regional Referee Training (NEW REFEREES)

Referee training has been completed for this season.

Reach out to your division manager or Brian (Referee Administrator) with any questions.

Monday Meetings

Monday meetings are finished for the Fall 2024 Season.

Thank you to all the referees and coaches who attended. 



Important: the website that some of you are familiar with is no longer active and cannot be accessed. It has been replaced with AYSO's new training platform, Etrainu. Because of this, registering for coach training classes will use a completely different process than in past seasons.

Here is how you can access, and enroll in, referee training courses on Etrainu (this is not the only way this can be done, but it does seem to be the easiest):

1.    Go to the portal where you registered as a volunteer (that is THIS website).

2.     Click on your Account tab (in the upper-right corner near your profile picture) and enter your AYSO Account profile.

3.    Click on the Volunteer tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

4.     Click on the AYSOU button to access all the training.

IMPORTANT: When you click the AYSOU button, you will automatically be re-directed to the new Etrainu platform and will automatically be logged you into that site. 

5. Click on the Training Event tab on the left-hand side menu.

6.  Remove Region filters (left-hand filter) if there is one there.

7.  Use the Location filter (the middle filter) and enter Granada Hills, CA as your location. Then set a distance of 25km or more to find courses offered by both Region 8 and Area 10V on the calendar.

8.    Find the course you want to enroll in and click on the Course (Make sure it is the correct session (Time, Date, Instructor, etc.)).

9. Click Enroll

You should receive an email confirmation of your enrollment. 


  see this link for how to access on-line courses via AYSOU/Etrainu.

Complete the online AYSO Safe Haven Course via the AYSOU/Etrainu website using the Training Library tab and view courses under Safe Haven.  Safe Haven course is the same for all AYSO volunteer positions. Effective 7/19/2022, this course must only be taken once! 

Complete the online CDC Concussion Course via the AYSOU/Etrainu website using the Training Library tab and view courses under Safe Haven.  The concussion course is the same for all AYSO volunteer positions. Effective 7/19/2022, this course must only be taken once! 

Complete the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training 
is now a  requirement for ALL REFEREES effective 1/1/2020.  The course is now available via via the AYSOU/Etrainu website using the Training Library tab and view courses under Safe Haven.  The course is approx 20 min.  Effective 7/19/2022, this course must only be taken once! 

If you took the course in a prior last year and don't see your certification, you can click on check box next to Sudden Cardiac Arrest and then him the blue "Renew & Update" button to upload a PDF/JPEG of the cert to your certificate section of the Volunteer section of your account at

Here are summaries of this requirement in case there are further questions:  

New Regional Referees

Take the Online Regional Referee Class via the AYSOU/Etrainu website using the Training Library tab and view courses under Referees.  Complete the on-line class, take the test, obtain your certificate of completion.  You must first register as a Region 8 Referee Volunteer before you can access any classes on AYSOU. You must then complete the 4-hour Regional Referee In-Person Companion Class. To register for these classes see how to register for in-person classes above Referee Training courses via the Training Event tab.


With the start of the 2022 calendar year, two new safety requirements for youth sports volunteers came into effect. The first is a LiveScan fingerprinting requirement imposed under California’s AB 506. The second is completion of Safe Sport safety training on the AYSOU / etrainu site imposed under the Federal Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017 . 


For Adult Volunteers Only: for those who are not familiar with it, the LiveScan process is an electronic fingerprinting technology used in California for various background check purposes. See below for a full schedule of nearby LiveScan events.

Regardless of whether you have had a previous LiveScan performed as part of your job or other volunteer service, you will need to submit to a new LiveScan for AYSO. Under California law, LiveScan results are not shareable between government agencies and/or private organizations – so you need a separate scan for each agency or organization you work and/or volunteer for. Fortunately, this is a one-time requirement that does not (currently) have to be repeated. 

Below is the list of Area Fingerprinting events and the link to sign up at an event.  You do not need to pay the $20.00 if you attend an AYSO sponsored event.  You need to click on the link below, select an event and sign up for a time.

  • Region 174 North Valley/Granada Hills on Sunday, August 20th, 8 AM-12 PM

Safe Sport Compliance:

The Safe Sport course became a new requirement under the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017 (“Safe Sport Act”) expanded its categories of Mandated Reporters to include adults authorized to interact with children. Due to this expansion, the Safe Sport Act now includes AYSO and requires training on child abuse and mandated reporting. All volunteers will need to take the full SafeSport training course in the first year of this expansion. This course is approximately 90 minutes long and must be repeated every three years. In-between these 3-year intervals, volunteers must take annual updates which are approximately 30 minutes long.

You can access the SafeSport training by following these instructions:

1. Login to your Sports Connect account where you registered as a volunteer and enter your Account page (upper right-hand corner of the page);

2. Click on the Volunteer tab on the left-hand side of the page;

3. Click on the SafeSport box on your list of training and certification courses;

4. Click on the Renew and Update button on the bottom of the list.

5. A screen will pop up where you will click on the “click HERE” link or copy and paste the URL into your browser to begin training (see picture below);

6.  Register on the U.S. Center for SafeSport website;

7.  Select the "SafeSport Trained - U.S. Soccer Federation" course from the My Courses screen and follow the directions. 

For more information and FAQs, please visit: SafeSport Mandatory Training – AYSO Volunteer Resources (

If you have already taken SafeSport, those historic statuses should have been brought over as of January 1, 2022 and will be reflected as a separate line item on the compliance report.

*Please Note: 

• Youth Volunteers (anyone under the age of majority) are not required to take this training.
• At this point, AYSO Volunteers will still need to complete AYSO’s Safe Haven course until otherwise noted. 
• SafeSport is now a required certificate in the AYSO online registration platform.

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AYSO Region 8

16730 Chatsworth St 
Granada Hills, California 91344

Email Us: [email protected]
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